Miguel Vilá

Side Projects

I have done a few side projects in the past in order to learn new things and have fun. Here is a list of them:

X Recs Remover

A Firefox plugin to remove recommendations bars on X / Twitter, in order to have a distraction-free experience. This project was quickly done with the help of ChatGPT.


A proof of concept about implementing Haxl using Scala. Haxl is a library from Facebook that allows you to batch and cache requests in an easy way. Some recent libraries that have implemented this are “fetch” or “zio-query”.

Hoja Cálculo

Implemented a collaborative spreadsheet. Used this blog post as a reference to make it reactive (i.e. declare a cell that depends on another). In order to make it collaborative I used a CRDT library.

Incremental Compiler

Implemented a toy compiler. Initially, I followed this tutorial, but did a few things differently. I used recursion schemes to implement the compiler.