Solving Dynamic Programming problems with Functional Programming

(This notebook is intended to go along with this blog post)

First let's have some testing code:

In [1]:
object Tester {

    case class TestCase(maxWeight: Int, values: Vector[Int], weights: Vector[Int], expectedItems: Vector[Int])

    def testKnapsack(f: (Int, Vector[Int], Vector[Int]) => Int)(testCase: TestCase) = {
        val TestCase(maxWeight,values,weights,expectedItems) = testCase
        val expectedProfit = (values zip expectedItems).map { case (a,b) => a*b }.sum
        val returned = f(maxWeight, values, weights)
        assert(returned == expectedProfit, s"Expected $expectedProfit got $returned")
        println("Test Passed!")

    val testCase1 = TestCase(
      maxWeight = 165,
      values = Vector(92, 57, 49, 68, 60, 43, 67, 84, 87, 72),
      weights = Vector(23, 31, 29, 44, 53, 38, 63, 85, 89, 82),
      expectedItems = Vector(1, 1,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0)

    val testCase2 = TestCase(
      maxWeight = 26,
      values = Vector(24,13,23,15,16),
      weights = Vector(12,7,11,8,9),
      expectedItems = Vector(0,1,1,1,0)

    val testCase3 = TestCase(
      maxWeight = 190,
      values = Vector(50,50,64,46,50,5),
      weights = Vector(56,59,80,64,75,17),
      expectedItems = Vector(1,1,0,0,1,0)

    val testCase4 = TestCase(
      maxWeight = 50,
      values = Vector(70,20,39,37,7,5,10),
      weights = Vector(31,10,20,19,4,3,6),
      expectedItems = Vector(1,0,0,1,0,0,0)

    val testCase5 = TestCase(
      maxWeight = 104,
      values = Vector(350,400,450,20,70,8,5,5),
      weights = Vector(25,35,45,5,25,3,2,2),
      expectedItems = Vector(1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1)

    val testCase6 = TestCase(
      maxWeight = 170,
      values = Vector(442,525,511,593,546,564,617),
      weights = Vector(41,50,49,59,55,57,60),
      expectedItems = Vector(0,1,0,1,0,0,1)

    def test(f: (Int, Vector[Int], Vector[Int]) => Int) = {
        ) foreach testKnapsack(f)
defined object Tester

The imperative approach

The usual imperative approach relies in some mutable data structure:

In [2]:
def knapsack(maxWeight: Int, value: Vector[Int], weight: Vector[Int]): Int = {
    val n = value.length
    val solutions: Array[Array[Int]] = Array.fill(n+1, maxWeight + 1)( 0 )
    (1 to n) foreach { i =>
        (1 to maxWeight) foreach { j =>
            solutions(i)(j) = if( j - weight(i-1) >= 0 ) {
                Math.max( solutions(i-1)(j) , solutions(i-1)(j - weight(i-1)) + value(i-1) )
            } else {

Test Passed!
Test Passed!
Test Passed!
Test Passed!
Test Passed!
Test Passed!
defined function knapsack

We really just need the last row:

In [3]:
def knapsack(maxWeight: Int, value: Vector[Int], weight: Vector[Int]): Int = {
    val n = value.length
    var solutions: Array[Int] = Array.fill(maxWeight + 1)( 0 )
    (1 to n) foreach { i =>
        val newSolutions = Array.fill(maxWeight + 1)( 0 )
        (1 to maxWeight) foreach { j =>
            newSolutions(j) = if( j - weight(i-1) >= 0 ) {
                Math.max( solutions(j) , solutions(j - weight(i-1)) + value(i-1) )
            } else {
        solutions = newSolutions

Test Passed!
Test Passed!
Test Passed!
Test Passed!
Test Passed!
Test Passed!
defined function knapsack

A functional (but complex) approach

We could use the State monad:

In [4]:
import $ivy.`org.typelevel::cats:0.7.2`
import cats._, cats.instances.all._, cats.syntax.traverse._, cats.syntax.foldable._

def setSolution(i: Int, j: Int, newVal: Int)
               (solutions: Vector[Vector[Int]]): Vector[Vector[Int]] = {
    solutions.updated(i, solutions(i).updated(j, newVal))

def knapsack(maxWeight: Int, value: Vector[Int], weight: Vector[Int]): Int = {
    val n = value.length
    val initialState: Vector[Vector[Int]] = Vector.fill(n+1, maxWeight + 1)( 0 )
    val st: State[Vector[Vector[Int]], Unit] = ( 1 to n ).toList.traverseU_ { i =>
        ( 1 to maxWeight ).toList.traverseU_ { j =>
            for {
                solutions <- State.get[Vector[Vector[Int]]]
                newVal = if( j - weight(i-1) >= 0 ) {
                    Math.max( solutions(i-1)(j) , solutions(i-1)(j - weight(i-1)) + value(i-1) )
                } else {
                _ <- State.modify(setSolution(i,j,newVal))
            } yield ()
    val solution = st.runS(initialState).value

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Test Passed!
Test Passed!
Test Passed!
Test Passed!
import $ivy.$                          

import cats._, cats.instances.all._, cats.syntax.traverse._, cats.syntax.foldable._


defined function setSolution
defined function knapsack

Once again, we just need the last row:

In [5]:
def knapsack(maxWeight: Int, value: Vector[Int], weight: Vector[Int]): Int = {
    val n = value.length
    val initialState: Vector[Int] = Vector.fill(maxWeight + 1)( 0 )
    val st: State[Vector[Int], Unit] = ( 1 to n ).toList.traverseU_ { i =>
        for {
            solutions <- State.get[Vector[Int]]
            newSolutions = 0 +: ( 1 to maxWeight ).map { j: Int =>
                if( j - weight(i-1) >= 0 ) {
                    Math.max( solutions(j) , solutions(j - weight(i-1)) + value(i-1) )
                } else {
            _ <- State.set(newSolutions)
        } yield ()
    val solution = st.runS(initialState).value

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Test Passed!
Test Passed!
Test Passed!
defined function knapsack

A functional and simple approach

There is a simpler and functional way to do it. Just use fold:

In [6]:
def knapsack(maxWeight: Int, value: Vector[Int], weight: Vector[Int]): Int = {
    val n = value.length
    val firstRow = Vector.fill(maxWeight + 1)( 0 )
    (1 to n).foldLeft(firstRow) { (upperRow, i) =>
        0 +: (1 to maxWeight).map { j => 
            if( j - weight(i-1) >= 0 ) {
                    upperRow(j) ,
                    upperRow(j - weight(i-1)) + value(i-1)
            } else {

Test Passed!
Test Passed!
Test Passed!
Test Passed!
Test Passed!
Test Passed!
defined function knapsack

When the dependencies have another shape

In this other problem the dependencies have another shape. How can we do it this time?

In [7]:
val values = Vector(
    Vector(131, 673, 234, 103, 18 ),
    Vector(201, 96 , 342, 965, 150),
    Vector(630, 803, 746, 422, 111),
    Vector(537, 699, 497, 121, 956),
    Vector(805, 732, 524,  37, 331)

def accumulativeSum(nums: Vector[Int]): Vector[Int] =
    nums.scanLeft(0)(_ + _).drop(1)

def minPath(values: Vector[Vector[Int]]): Int = {
    val m = values.length
    val n = values(0).length
    val firstRow = accumulativeSum(values(0))
    val firstColumn = accumulativeSum( (0 to m-1) )
    (1 to m-1).foldLeft(firstRow) { (upperRow, i) =>
        val leftmostSolution = firstColumn(i)
        (1 to n-1).scanLeft(leftmostSolution) { (leftSolution,j) =>
            val upperSolution = upperRow(j)
            Math.min(leftSolution, upperSolution) + values(i)(j)

assert(minPath(values) == 2427)
values: Vector[Vector[Int]] = Vector(
  Vector(131, 673, 234, 103, 18),
  Vector(201, 96, 342, 965, 150),
  Vector(630, 803, 746, 422, 111),
  Vector(537, 699, 497, 121, 956),
  Vector(805, 732, 524, 37, 331)
defined function accumulativeSum
defined function minPath